(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ Nº270 What You Need to Succeed 🧑‍🚀 🪐

Some interstellar success advice in the intro, Made.Bike musings, ebike test days in Amsterdam + Ask vs. Guess Culture, not being efficient & harnessing regret. Mel & Cynthia's new podcast, Fam is Fam on Oct. 7, the 'Our Torino Nice' film & a rad Old Man Mountain rack giveaway!
(∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚ Nº270 What You Need to Succeed 🧑‍🚀 🪐
Torino Nice Rally vibes courtesy Tom Jamieson as published in Bikepacking.com
Table of Contents


Right on-time delivery over here! Feeling good about that! Hope you've had a good weekend!

I'll keep the intro brief this week & share some tips about how to succeed under pressure based on lessons from “An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me About Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for Anything.”:

  1. 💀 “Okay, what’s the next thing that will kill me?” – This is about negative thinking being positive during a crisis. i.e., actually anticipating obstacles and proactively preparing them can be huge, while “thinking it will all work out” can be a passive demise pitfall.
  2. 😅 “Sweat the small stuff”I always tell my kids: "Failure to prepare is preparing to fail".  As Eric writes in the article: "You may think you’re busy now, but you will always have more time before a problem strikes than when you’re in the middle of it."
  3. “Working the problem” – This is like a shakedown ride for real life. The idea is to experience challenges safely before the shit hits the fan. Nothing tops the upper hand you'll have from having handled a headache once before already!
  4. 🗺️ “How can I help us get where we need to go?” – There are only three kinds of people on a team. Be competent and trustworthy, and then find the best way to be a 'plus one':
You can be a “minus one”: someone who causes problems. You can be a “zero”: someone whose impact is neutral. Or you can be a “plus one”: someone who actively adds value." – Colonel Chris Hadfield.

So being a 'plus one' in a team is certainly something you need to succeed! Here are some similarly themed truisms from previous newsletters: you can win when others win & normal speed meets every need.

As always, thank you for reading & sharing this newsletter,


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Join us for the LEMMO x Six & Sons Party on Sept 1!

Join LEMMO and Six & Sons on September 1st, from 4PM for test rides, a live DJ, refreshing drinks, and delectable snacks! See you there!

Made.Bike: for Hearts, Not Heads

Battaglin photo courtesy of James Huang, noted purple enthusiast.

Quite a few of my stateside friends & even Rotterdam-based homie Joergen from Parallel Handbuilt made it over to Made.Bike. Honestly, I really woulda loved to have made the trip! (ba dum tss) Especially with all my NAHBS nostalgia that I share with James as he romantically mused in the Escape Collective newsletter. For all of us who couldn't go, the next best thing is checking out James' coverage here.

"Made, ultimately, is about machines driven by hearts, not heads. Bikes are how most of these folks make their living, but suffice to say they’re not exactly doing it for the money. There’s a piece of each maker in everything they build, and therein lies the appeal."

p.s. Also new this week: the roots & end of Cycling Tips + birth of Escape Collective
p.p.s. I'd be remiss not to mention John & Josh at Radavist's Made coverage too!

⏰ Save the Date: Ampler Customer Day is August 31

Missed Ampler's showroom sales event? No worries! Ampler Customer Day on August 31 in Berlin, Zürich, and Amsterdam. Attend, and you'll not only get to test ride but also get a voucher that is redeemable when you decide to make an Ampler your own.


Ask vs. Guess Culture

This post explores the perils of ask culture and guess culture at home and at work.

There are some great tips at the end of this article. Top highlight? "Get more comfortable with people saying no to you." By this, the author, Jean Hsu, who is VP of Engineering at Range. Previously co-founder of Co Leadership, and engineering at @Medium, Pulse, and Google, which means you should ask for things that people might say no to. Like more budget or more vacation! ; )

Why Do We Have To Be So Efficient?

"[...] the good life isn’t all about being efficient. It’s not about getting ahead."

Pretty funny that reading an article like this almost feels dirty. But when you dig into what Jacqueline Dooley is saying, it actually makes sense:

Practice listening to someone — really listening — to what they’re saying without waiting until they get to the end. In fact, stop worrying about beginnings or endings. It’s all one long middle anyway.

Regret Is Painful. Here’s How to Harness It.

"[...] writing about a negative experience, like regret, for 15 minutes a day for three consecutive days can help to 'defang it'" – Daniel Pink, author of “The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward,

Daniel Pink found that regrets fall into four main themes:

  1. We regret failing to reach out to others
  2. lapses in moral judgment
  3. incremental choices that result in big consequences — like smoking or working too much
  4. and holding back when we should have been bolder.

The article concludes with the tip to reframe a regret by ‘at least-ing’. Go from “if only” to “at least.” i.e. Instead of "if only I had done x, y, z" to "at least I got to experience x, y, z".


Mel Webb & Cynthia Frazier Launch Detours

Mel Webb & Cynthia Frazier started an ultra-cycling and bikepack racing podcast, Detours.

I met Mel & her partner Jake at the Hellenic Mountain Race & have been following what they're up to since. I really enjoyed this first episode! More about the project in Mel's words:

"Super excited to share with you our new ultra cycling and bikepack racing podcast, Detours! I’m a chronic storyteller and have been craving more female-hosted podcasts about cycling and said f**k it, I’m creating my own! What’s even better is Cynthia @watt_wagon agreed to be my cohost and I’m so stoked to be on this ride with her. We’re both idea machines and have so many conversations we’re excited to bring you — we’re only just getting started but I can already tell this is a dream team."


SRM x INFMS CC join forces to create ‘FAM IS FAM’ - An all-road 100 +/- km route in the Veluwe, off the beaten path - Unfamiliar but Iconic.
SRM x INFMS CC joined forces to create 'FAM IS FAM' - An all-road 100 +/- km route in the Veluwe, off the beaten path - Unfamiliar but Iconic. Nash from Social Ride Maluku & Steven from INFMS CC will join on the next Mechanics of Joy on Sept 14th!

“Our Torino Nice” – A Bikepacking Reunion in The Alps

Our Torino Nice - A Bikepacking Reunion in the Alps (Video)
“Our Torino Nice” is a new video that tells the story of three friends reuniting to take on the storied Torino-Nice Rally through the Alps…
Three of my friends Rob Quirk, Michael Drummond & Tom Jamieson went for the Torino Nice Route & made a film about it. Worth a watch! (I wrote about my 2016 TNR 7 years ago.)
The Torino Nice Rally is very often a top suggestion for a longer bikepacking route that I recommend. Beautifully filmed, Michael! I'm keen to return someday!


Old Man Mountain & Bikepacking Roots' Made.Bike Giveaway!

Enter below for your chance to win a custom-painted rack!

To celebrate the MADE.bike show and all of the fantastic custom painters in the bike industry, Old Man Mountain teamed up with @Tec.Gnar, @SaveThePostalService, @Spray.Bike & @ArgonautCycles

Each painter was provided with some racks and told to have fun! Now they're going to the racks away and raise some money for BIKEPACKING ROOTS!

Bikepacking Roots supports and advances bikepacking, the growth of a diverse bikepacking community, and access to and the conservation of the landscapes and public lands through which we ride.

Enter here to win!
Here's to remembering what you need to succeed this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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