🔮 The Illusion of Truth 🔮 Nº65 – Cycling, Startups & Sales ✌🏻️

"The techniques of propagandists work for good reason. Studies show that the more often we hear a statement, the more likely we are to believe it is true—regardless of the underlying facts."

Today was a bummer day of disbelief for most everyone I know. It seems that an alarming percentage America has fallen victim to the the illusion of truth.

Luckily, history tells us what may happen next with Brexit & Trump:

"This cycle, the one we saw for example from the Treaty of Versaille, to the rise of Hitler, to the Second World War, appears to be happening again. But as with before, most people cannot see it because:
  1. They are only looking at the present, not the past or future
  2. They are only looking immediately around them, not at how events connect globally
  3. Most people don’t read, think, challenge, or hear opposing views

TL;DR? Bridging from our closed groups to other closed groups and intentionally crossing ever widening social divides is the only way forward. Do your part.

As always, thanks for reading!


"handwoven by artisans also in Britain"
Luxury Winter | Vulpine

Luxury Winter  | Vulpine

Our office mates, My Wild Love, made yet another cameo is the latest Vulpine launch. Man these photos & garments look great.

Peek the full lookbook here.

STANDERT BICYCLES - building a hub for the Berlin cycling scene

STANDERT BICYCLES - building a hub for the Berlin cycling scene

Full-length podcast interview with my friend Benedict of Standert Bicycles. Learn about the values & visions of a driven Berlin bicycle brand & why community matters.

Zwift merges indoor fitness with massive multi-player online gaming

Zwift merges indoor fitness with massive multi-player online gaming

At its core, Zwift is indoor cycling software. But layered on top of its functionality is a global community. Cool to see Zwift in TechCrunch!


Deductive reasoning is a powerful tool to help us all stay on track
A Silent Cause of Bad Business Decisions

A Silent Cause of Bad Business Decisions

What’s going on when smart, analytical leaders make awful decisions? It turns out good logic and data aren’t enough to guarantee good decisions. Here’s how to spot bad reasoning and how to avoid it…

Who is Velohub and why did we close a seed round ?

Exciting news from a new client of ours. (We're kicking off tomorrow!)

The guys at Velohub recently funded their kickstarter for blinkers.io and we're helping them get their lights on the shelves of distributors across Europe.

Congrats on the funding guys!

You Don’t Need a Master Plan — You Just Need to Start

You Don’t Need a Master Plan — You Just Need to Start

Reality is, that for every thoughtfully articulated and executed world domination master plan, most of the biggest and impactful companies started out with much more humble ambitions.


emojis have taken over online communication 💁🏼🙅🏼🙆🏼🙋🏼. Why?

When will you start speaking emojis to engage with your consumers? 👉

Lots brands also use emoji on their Facebook messages and good news, based on a study by Zazzle Media, emojis lead to a 57 % higher like rate, a 33 % higher comment rate and a 33% higher share rate. ↗️

Bonus! Add emojis to your shortlinks.

How To Make Your Brand “Likable” and Win More Revenue

How To Make Your Brand “Likable” and Win More Revenue

We also want other people to like our websites. If, on our site, we come across as likable, we tend to become more profitable.

The Many Benefits of Being a Vulnerable, Transparent Leader

The Many Benefits of Being a Vulnerable, Transparent Leader

Being a vulnerable leader can leave you with a better reputation, and your employees with a greater sense of purpose.


"We celebrate to remember not to forget."
DJ Isis – Samhain – KROOKS Records

DJ Isis – Samhain – KROOKS Records

One of the fun things about working with Guy (aka Josh Dupree) is randomly proofreading copy for his projects with Krooks Records. Check out this offcast for instance with DJ Isis:

"Music also unites us. It’s something we globally understand and want to experience together. I don’t believe in the political power games of divide and conquer, I believe in getting together, planting new seeds and transforming into something better the past has showed us so far"

🎵  Read the interview & listen to the mix here🎵

For more music we listen to in the office, check out our playlist.

Here's to trying to cross social divides this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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