Nº8 – Cycling, Startups & Sales


TWO YEARS. My family and I first came to Amsterdam two years ago and not much has remained the the same for long since. Now, after 24 months of nearly constant hurdles, changes & challenges, we've really begun to hit our stride. Even little things like shipping weekly newsletters contribute to the cadence & momentum that keep me more stoked than ever. So thanks for tuning in and, in your own little way, helping me to continue find my footing here in Holland. I'm eager for feedback, so let me know what you'd like to see more of!


The future in cycling related shopping?

Learn more about Musette in Malmö, Sweden in this great Velonode feature. More about #musetttemalmo: http://musette.se/

A RIH is available currently on Christie's

A RIH is available currently on Christie's

Founded in 1921 by the Bustraan brothers, RIH Sport Amsterdam has built itself a legendary name in the global cycling community. When Lester came across this set of these exclusive Reynolds tubes, he decided to build a one-off track bike inspired by the frame his old master had once made for Van Moorsel.

Roman Arnold — Freunde von Freunden

Roman Arnold — Freunde von Freunden

I love Freunde von Freunden interviews & especially this one with Canyon founder, Roman Arnold. Certainly worth a read. Plus, sounds like more Canyons in America soon: too: https://twitter.com/twotoneams/status/640179140730200064


HAIKU your bike assistant on KICKSTARTER

HAIKU your bike assistant on KICKSTARTER

HAIKU is a bike assistant to get on your handlebar just the info you need from your smartphone. (and, in my opnion, so much more!) Now live on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/502337594/haiku-your-bike-assistant

Leads To Conversations

Leads To Conversations

My bud Dan Lash is building a new sales tool: • Visually rank & target most valuable leads • Maximize the value of your limited time • Identify trends that boost conversions I'll start using it this week. Sign up to check it out too!

Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy

Europe's 1st Growth Hacking Academy

University students in the Netherlands will be able to apply for a new educational program centered around 'growth hacking', a lean marketing technique often employed by tech startups. Proud of my friends Peter & David for making this happen!


An 18-Minute Plan for Managing Your Day And Finding Focus

We start every day knowing we’re not going to get it all done or fit it all in. How we spend our time is really a function of priorities. I'm inspired to implement this approach. I'll let you know how it goes!

10 podcasts to sharpen your sales skills

10 podcasts to sharpen your sales skills

Some solid options here. Personally, I've planning to up my podcast listening game so this is a great start but all US based. What European options are? One idea, albeit not sales centric, is Tech.eu's: https://soundcloud.com/tech_eu

Back to School for Marketing & Sales: 18 Resources for B2B Professionals - Pardot

Back to School for Marketing & Sales: 18 Resources for B2B Professionals - Pardot

Pardot made a curriculum for B2B marketers & sales reps of fun videos & in-depth e-books. Maybe use the planning tip above to allocate some time to dog through these resources? ; )


#ROLLCALLAMS • Two years old & radder than ever!

When I landed in Amsterdam I quickly began organizing the first @RollCallAMS rides. Now, two years later, we still welcome new faces regularly & even had one of our best groups & best routes yet last Friday: https://www.strava.com/activities/389736728 • Photo above by Olaf of http://www.witindustries.nl/ • Photo below by Frank of http://meesterknecht.cc/ • Route by Lester of http://www.rihsportamsterdam.nl/

Here's to kicking off the week with an early start!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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