Nº74 🎮 understanding the game we’re playing 🎮


Spoiler alert: It’s not about outdoing someone. It’s about outdoing yourself. This talk is a rerun of issue 71's theme & the Sinek talk featured in issue 70 but worth underscoring.

I was reminded of this by two recent revues from Nalden & James Costa. From James':

There will always be someone who’s a step ahead and that’s a good thing. Watch them. Learn from them. Let’s start using that as motivation. Get focused, and go.

I liked this. Observing others has helped me understand the game more than playing. Listen to the talk & stay stoked!

As always, thanks for reading,



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Registration is opening soon for 2nd The Aggregate 100. It is the 1st Gravel Enduro on UK soil, based at The New Inn, Cropton, North Yorkshire.

Make plans to come get rad August 19th and 20th!

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#thestruggleisreal Awesome post.


NLLTL Adventure Cam Vol. 22 // Jon Woodroof | No life like this life

NLLTL Adventure Cam Vol. 22 // Jon Woodroof | No life like this life

Honored to have some 35mm snaps I took  featured in NLLTL!

Jon Woodroof has been a long distance friend, and fellow ‘bird of a feather’ for a very long time now. Since I first started visiting his Atlanta bike shop, ‘No Brakes’, about 10 years ago on trips to Atlanta to visit my dad and his family. Despite eventually evolving above and beyond the limits of the Atlanta cycling scene, and the bike shop ownership world, Jon and his wife have become some of my life inspirations for moving abroad and continuing to evolve in the world through love and appreciation for the world around them. If you’ve been following Jon for a while through social channels, you’ve seen his life evolve, you’ve seen his amazing kids grow up on and around two wheels, in the front of his cargo bike, and him and his family truly living the dream in Amsterdam.

Stoked on shooting your own 35mm photos? Grab an action cam!

Here's to getting focused and going this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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