Live from Largo, Florida! Week one of keeping the rhythm on my family's quasi-vacation to the US is coming to a close. I've mostly kept my goal of maintaining my early rising routine motivated by a mixture of road rides & skype calls. After this weekend, we're heading to A-Town, NC then NJ.
- ATL – May 23-25 (Join us May 26th: #earlytobedearlytoshred)
- Outer Banks, NC – May 26-31 (24miles North of Cape Hatteras)
- New Jersey – June 1-3 (maybe visiting HQ!)
Enjoy the eclectic mix this week & as always, thanks for reading!

The Last Ride
Imagine for a moment that there was only one more. A single day, a final chapter, a last ride. Of all the miles covered and all the roads ridden, which would draw you back to experience them one more time?
Sidenote: with you can literally relive your last ride albeit not you last ride ever. ; ) This app syncs with strava to create animated movies of your ride. So rad!

Ride & Destination - Buda Hills - Vulpine Blog
Part two of Vulpine's Budapest trip guides. (See part one, exploring the city here) We had just one full day on our three day visit to Hungary, so wanted to make the most of this to head out of Budapest to see what lay in the surrounding countryside. (TERRAIN: City roads, country roads, gravel paths, cycle paths, dirt tracks, wood trails, mud slides)

I Am A Cyclist, And I Am Here To Fuck You Up
After spending a week riding the streets of around Clearwater, Tampa & St. Pete, this article hits close to home. No pun & all fun of course. If you've ridden a bike in an American city you'll laugh when you read this.

WeQu - The card game for people who want to know people
Friends of mine Oh & Hari have made WeQu, a playful, social, interactive version of a personality test. This new game is the ultimate wingman to getting to know other people as you get to know yourself. WeQu is a great icebreaker for meeting new acquaintances as well as a way to deepen long-standing relationships. Check them out on kickstarter.

"'I would love to do what you're doing.' I'd be lying if I didn't hear that at least once a month from friends or people I meet. "Sure. There's just this one thing though..." I always point out to them. Is that the price for doing what I do - is that I have to…"
The 4 Quadrant Weekly Alignment Doc from David Cummings
Weekly alignment and accountability. The document, called the Weekly Check-in, is composed of four quadrants on one single page that represent key items to track and/or discuss.

How many emails did you delete today? Why intelligent prospecting is the way forward for your business.
My friend Charlie Widdows, Owner, Tiny Spark & Co-Founder at Solverboard, penned this piece on prospecting. If you’re selling services, or products with a longer buying cycle, you need to go deeper, and you need to go longer. I agree with Charlie that developing a much deeper understanding of your target customers, both as a segment and individually is essential.

The Customer is Always Right As Long As You Want Their Money
"If you don’t care about their money or their business, then the customer can absolutely be wrong." Smart stuff from Gary Vaynerchuk.

Six Sense Selling: Leveraging Buying Signals to Close Deals
"High performing sales reps have an innate ability to spot buying signals that are embedded in a prospect’s questions. A prospect’s line of questioning can provide enormous purview into the likelihood of a deal close." Get better at this.

Postcards From Google Earth
back in 2012, Clement Valla "...discovered strange moments where the illusion of a seamless representation of the Earth’s surface seems to break down. At first, [he] thought they were glitches, or errors in the algorithm, but looking closer [he] realized the situation was actually more interesting — these images are not glitches." Read more re: universal texture here.