┐('~`;)┌ Nº151 Don't Get Lost in the Sauce 🌌 🤔


The past week has been a wild one!

Last Thursday, I took a train from Amsterdam to Kortrijk, Belgium, where Guy & I were supported SILCA, Wahoo Fitness & Ampler (their launch in the Belgian market!) at Velofollies. Ott from Ampler even made it into Het Nieuwsblad. Amazing!

Saturday, I took a train over to London to meet my girlfriend Kristy and friends Rob & Nikoo. Sunday morning I got out on a Richmond Park loop with my friends Jack from Cyclist Mag, Petor from Dear Susan and my host, Rob of Quirk Cycles.  Petor showed us a telescope in the park that you can see downtown London with!

That afternoon, I spoke at the Adventure Travel Show about the lesson I learned on The 1st Silk Road Mountain Race. (My deck is here on iCloud ...let me know if the link doesn't work for you.) I then rushed from the stage to catch a flight to Philly to connect to Tampa to pick up my kids Monday morning for a week here in Pinellas County, Florida.

Otto, Mira & I have mostly been jamming to & from school, after-school activities and finding time to have fun on my third trip here since they were taken from Amsterdam. Today we're visiting Profile BMX's factory & skating at St. Pete skatepark.

With so much  going on, it is easy to get lost in the sauce. Keeping focus and getting things done with many moving parts, timezones and people to consider is easily one of my favorite and most challenging aspects to my personal and professional life. Sometimes it is overwhelming and sometimes I drop the ball.

Of course, you can't win em all but there is an art to losing well so you can win later. George Bradt spells out how:

  • Accepting Defeat – You can’t lose well without losing. Failing fast is relatively easy when it’s a small-scale test. The bigger the impact, the harder it is to call the game.
  • Living Your Principles – If your guiding principles are the things you choose to follow even if you must go out of business, then follow them in defeat. If you say your customers or constituents or people matter most, take care of them when it hurts most and matters most.
  • Find New Ways to Win – This is about residual value. Having accepted defeat and honored your principles, Start anew, recovering and rebuilding off your strengths whether those are Russia’s environment, Germany’s youth, Jobs’ innovations, or your secret sauce.

As always, thank you for reading,



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Marginal Gains Podcast

Marginal Gains Podcast

Check out the first episode of The Marginal Gains Podcast, presented by Silca — the show that makes a big deal about the little things, and how those little things can be a big deal.

In this first episode, Josh Poertner, Hottie (Michael Hotten) and Fatty (Elden Nelson) obsess over about what marginal gains are, why they matter, and the huge difference Josh has seen them make in building bike components, in pro cycling teams’ success, and even outside the cycling world altogether.

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Predictions for 2019

some spoilers:

  • Convergence will trump digital in experience design
  • A more holistic approach to brand touchpoints
  • Brand-led customer experience design
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Want to Seem More Likable?

Want to Seem More Likable?

Way back in Issue 65 I share about How To Make Your Brand “Likable” and Win More Revenue. This time it is about you. ; )

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Toto - Africa (Sweet Potato & Squash Cover)

Covering 80's hits with potatoes & squash is pretty rad but teenagers getting pulled on stage to perform with their idols is even radder:

Here's to not getting lost in the sauce this week!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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