(◕ل͜◕) Nº239 | If You're in Berlin, Say Hello at Vélo! 🚆 🇩🇪


Hi there from this Berlin-bound ICE train! Kristy & I are in town for the Vélo Berlin show!

Like the last, I'm keeping this one quick but do have a solid intro for you to bite into. Check out my fave 5 of Studio D's fifteen principles for media exposure catered more towards freelancers or entrepreneurs:

1. The primary benefit of media exposure is that it shortens the path to interesting conversations and collaborations.
2. Media exposure is overwhelmingly positive regardless of whether it is accurate. Don’t believe the hype, least of all when it’s about you.
3. Humans are constantly seeking closure. The liminal space between the concreteness of what you share and what the audience imagines is the the most powerful amplifier of your intent. Your role is to enable the audiences imagination and to help set the direction of (rather than policing) their thinking.
4. Long term credibility is higher when journalists discover you on their own terms and at their own pace. You can support this by providing a comprehensive, consistent touchpoint on yourself, without being subject to wayward social media algorithms or organisational media policies. Journalists are suspicious of overly polished interviewees. Only you can bridge your work and personal personas.
5. A colleague that reads about your work from a trusted (by their definition) external source will have greater buy-in than if they hear it direct from you. They will assume that the organisational processes of vetting content for public consumption are the result of high-level organisational buy-in.

Also in the most recent issue of their newsletter is a breakdown of their take on the ladder of media influence. I suggest you sign up for their Radar Mailing List! :D

And, if you're also in Berlin for Vélo, reply & say hello! : )

thank you, as always, for reading & sharing this newsletter,


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📷 banner image by yours truly during my ride yesterday with Bart of DOX Records in Malmedy, Belgium.


Trail.camp offers Kindernay VII gear hub test rides at VeloBerlin this weekend!

Trail.camp offers Kindernay VII gear hub test rides at VeloBerlin this weekend!

Trail.camp is joining VeloBerlin's innovative line-up of cycling brands at this year’s show. Come by the their booth OUT_E28 and test Kindernay for yourself!

Inside gravel's ongoing quest to be the discipline for everyone

Inside gravel's ongoing quest to be the discipline for everyone

I'm into this! Less elitism & more inclusivity in cycling! On that note, here's World of Bikes' Ultimate Guide to Gravel Riding. It is funny!

Campfire Cycling's Tires for Bikepacking Guide

Campfire Cycling's Tires for Bikepacking Guide

This walk-through of the basics of bikepacking tires will help you make the best choice for your bikepacking adventures. So good!


The five Levels of Hype

The five Levels of Hype

What is this phenomenon of “hype”?

Well, it, of course, starts with being grounded in reality... ; )

Found this via Peter at Fwends. Nice one!

From the Top: Building Ritchey

From the Top: Building Ritchey

"The story of how a humble man played a major part in disrupting the cycling industry."

Nice one, Wade! : )

How Shift Cycling Culture aims to make the bike industry more sustainable

How Shift Cycling Culture aims to make the bike industry more sustainable

Nice interview with Shift to see how things are progressing & what's ahead.


Francis Cade visits Quirk Cycles!

Francis Cade visits Quirk Cycles!

Francis Cade visits my friend Rob of Quirk Cycles & Rob dives into his Super Chub build (shown above). Love this bike!

pr.co on how to adapt your PR strategy to new markets

pr.co on how to adapt your PR strategy to new markets

My friend Fiola Foley, Director of Media Relations at Komoot, was asked by my friend Ana Carrasco of pr.co about what you need to know to step up your PR game when your company is scaling.

Who is your dealer? - by Mark Hinch

Who is your dealer? - by Mark Hinch

“Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them” - an excerpt from Dune by Frank Herbert

Great article, Mark!


Voices Travel Through This EP, by SKLOSS

Voices Travel Through This EP, by SKLOSS

My friend Sandy Carson & his wife Karen Skloss are a two-piece guitar and drums psychedelic noise rock duo based in Austin Texas named SKLOSS. The band began as a side project out of their marriage. Such a cute story and I love the sound, so I ordered the vinyl! :D

p.s. SKLOSS also scored this Volcom Featured Artist video about Thomas Hooper!

p.p.s. Thomas Hooper & Jacob Bannon did the artwork for the release. Rad!

Here's to saying hello at Vélo this weekend!

Written by
Jon Woodroof
♥️ @Kristyspark✨, Otto, Mira, Errol, Simone, Brayden & Rowan 💡 living the dream @Workspacesix & @Twotoneams 💌 I love to send special stuff to special people weekly.
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